If you’re looking to refund your order for whatever reason, we’re here to help! We offer free refund within 30 days of purchase. You can refund to the original payment method. Check our return and refund policy below:

Please note the following exceptions to our refund policy:

Below are some examples of common exceptions: 

  • Discounted items are final and cannot be refunded.
  • As an indternational retailer, we do not accept returned items due to the uncertainty and difficulty that buyers face with international transport while conducting return process. In that matter, we only accept refund process.

To initiate a refund, please complete the following steps:

Your steps should be laid out clearly, linking to relevant pages, such as your online portal.

  1. Reply to your order confirmation email to request which products you would like to refund. Or login in our online shop with your email by which you make a purchase, and then go to – My account – Orders, view the order that you want to refund, and find the refurn button and click it to process.
Thank you again for purchasing our products. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
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